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Italy Own initiative opinion

Subject Statement from the national Parliament Reply from the Commission
Own initiative Opinion on 'steps to be taken to counter the introduction of warnings about the health risks of alcohol consumption in the labeling of wines and beers'
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Own Initative Opinion on the transparency of political decision-making in the European union
Own Initiative Opinion on delimitation of the customs territory of the European Union
Own Initiative Opinion on national energy strategy (SEN)
Own Initiative Opinion on the Common Agriculture Policy for 2020
Own Initiative Opinion on the management of impaired loans by Italian banks
Own Initiative on C(2020)2800
Own initiative - proposal to the European Commission to adopt a strategic approach to food-waste reduction (Green card)
Own initiative Opinion on the public consultation "Science with and for Society" Horizon 2020
Own-Initiative Opinion on Corporate Social Responsibility - Green card
  • EU human rights report 2008
  • Statement from the Camera dei Deputati pdf - 183 KB [183 KB] italiano (it)
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own intiative on the Accession of Serbia to the European Union
  • Statement from the Senato della Repubblica pdf - 34 KB [34 KB] italiano (it)
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