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Call for tenders ECFIN/B/2012/006 - Research Fellowships - research on economic growth perspectives for Europe and the future of EMU

Please note that deadline for submission of proposals extended until 3 June 2012 (23:59 CET)

Research on economic growth perspectives for Europe and the future of EMU

The crisis has had a deep impact on Europe's growth trajectory and on macroeconomic stability. It has forced a rethink of the architecture of EMU that has already led to a substantial overhaul of policies in a broad range of areas. Serious challenges remain, however, and the overhaul remains unfinished business. Tensions on financial markets have not disappeared and, after a long period of steady integration, fragmentation forces have resurfaced on some market segments. Growth divergences in Europe have reached unprecedented levels with many Member States facing protracted and painful adjustment processes. Charting a way out of the crisis requires tackling short-term pressures on growth from budgetary consolidation and private sector deleveraging but also dealing with the more medium-term growth challenges posed by ageing and intensifying global competition. It also requires designing policies that take into consideration distributional issues so as to avoid socially unacceptable distribution of the burden of adjustment processes.

With a view to shed some light on these challenges and better understand the policy options ahead, notably in terms of further policy integration, DG ECFIN has decided to launch an external research project comprising two work streams on themes of central importance for ECFIN's work programme: "Economic growth perspectives for Europe" and "The future of EMU". The objective of the project is to provide economic policy advice based on solid analytical underpinnings.

Against this background DG ECFIN intends to award in the course of 2012 several contracts for "Research Fellowships".

Description of the services under the fellowship

The fellowship comprises of the following services:

  • preparation of a specific research paper on a proposed subject outline taken from the list of themes below;
  • provision of consultancy services in the form of regular interactions and discussions with DG ECFIN staff;
  • taking part in meetings in Brussels;
  • presentation of the research paper at a conference or similar event.

The list of themes:

    The future of EMU
  1. Revisiting EMU@10pdf(11 kB) Choose translations of the previous link ;
  2. The disciplining effect of financial markets on public finances: can the genie be put back into the bottle?pdf(12 kB) Choose translations of the previous link 
  3. The political economy of EMU: political union, transfer of sovereignty and social compactpdf(11 kB) Choose translations of the previous link ;
  4. Cross-border capital flows within the euro area and risk (mis-)allocationpdf(27 kB) Choose translations of the previous link ;
  5. Post-crisis financial (dis-)integration in EMUpdf(11 kB) Choose translations of the previous link ;
  6. Macroeconomic adjustment in EMU: the role of wage bargaining systemspdf(18 kB) Choose translations of the previous link ;
  7. Macroeconomic adjustment in EMU: complementarity and trade-offs between adjustment mechanisms and policiespdf(11 kB) Choose translations of the previous link ;
  8. Income convergence processes under the euro pdf(11 kB) Choose translations of the previous link .

  9. Economic growth perspectives for Europe
  10. Growth risks for the EU emanating from global imbalancespdf(30 kB) Choose translations of the previous link ;
  11. Globalisation and the relative growth performance of EU Member Statespdf(19 kB) Choose translations of the previous link ;
  12. Fostering the re-allocation of economic activitiespdf(20 kB);
  13. Competition, innovation and knowledge policiespdf(16 kB) Choose translations of the previous link ;
  14. Fiscal implications of the transition to a low carbon economypdf(17 kB) Choose translations of the previous link ;
  15. Equity and growth in the EUpdf(13 kB) Choose translations of the previous link ;
  16. The political economy of fiscal consolidation and structural reforms revisitedpdf(16 kB) Choose translations of the previous link .
  • The final papers will have to be original work created in response to this call and should be about 30-40 pages (approx. 25,000 words in length).
  • The fellow(s) will be required to electronically send a fully developed draft version of their paper to DG ECFIN by November 11, 2012. The final version of the paper should be submitted electronically by 31st January 2013.
  • Fellows will also be asked to provide consultancy services in the form of regular interactions and discussions on the subject field with Commission staff (amounting to an equivalent of approximately 30 working hours). Moreover, the fellows will be invited to a maximum of 3 events in Brussels:
    • They will be requested to attend a kick-off meeting in early September, a workshop to discuss preliminary results (date to be set in common agreement with the Commission), or participation in ECFIN's 2012 Annual Research Conference on 19th November (see below) and a closing workshop early 2013.
    • At the request of the Commission, fellows should also stand ready to present their work at ECFIN's Annual Research Conference (scheduled for November 19, 2012), followed by comments of discussants and a general exchange of views among participants.

Fee – travel and accommodation arrangements

  • In accordance with the conditions of the contractpdf(94 kB) Choose translations of the previous link , the Commission intends to pay a global fee of €25,000 for the fellowship services (paper and consultancy services).
  • In addition and with respect to the meetings in Brussels, travel and accommodation arrangements will be organized by the Commission via a travel agency, acting on behalf of the Commission.  In case of co-authorship, the Commission may provide travel and accommodation for one co-author and for one trip. The fellow or his co-author is not allowed to book anything himself.
  • No separate allowances or reimbursement of costs are possible since they are comprised in the all-in price.

Submission provisions

Candidates are invited to submit their proposal to the e-mail, clearly mentioning their chosen theme in the subject line of the e-mail.

The following must be submitted:

  • a signed application formpdf(39 kB) Choose translations of the previous link ;
  • extended abstract (up to 1,500 words) of the research paper;
  • a curriculum vitae of the (co-) author(s);
  • a list of publications of the (co-)author(s);
  • signed proxy formpdf(13 kB) Choose translations of the previous link (s), in case of co-authorship.

The mailbox is reserved solely for submissions. Submissions sent to other mailboxes or to Commission staff cannot be accepted. No other communication should be addressed to this mailbox.

Candidates may submit separate proposals for more than one theme but can only be awarded maximum two contracts.

Papers can be co-authored.

Submission of a proposal implies that the candidate accepts all the terms and conditions set out in these specifications and in the contract. Period of validity of the proposal during which candidates may not modify the terms of their proposals: 6 months from the deadline for submission. 

Deadline for submission: deadline for submission of proposals extended until 3 June 2012 (23:59 CET). Proposals received after this date will be non admissible.

Assessment procedure of the proposals

The procedure for the award of the contracts will be carried out in three successive stages. Only proposals meeting the requirements of stage one (eligibility and exclusion criteria) will be examined in stage two (selection criteria). Proposals passing stage 2 will then be assessed in stage 3 (award criteria).

Eligibility and exclusion criteria


Access to this procurement procedure is granted to candidates from states having ratified the Multilateral Agreement on Government Procurement concluded within the World Trade Organisation.

Exclusion criteria:

By signing the application form candidates declare on honour that they are not in one or more situations as described in the form.

Selection criteria

Candidates will have to pass the following selection criteria in order to take part in stage 3 of the procedure (award criteria).

Financial and economic capacity:

By signing the application form candidates declare on honour that they have the financial and economic capacity to deliver the services.

Professional and technical capacity:

  1. The professional standing of the candidate as demonstrated by outstanding academic excellence in the subject field and measured by academic achievements, employment history and research experience.
  2. A track record of publishing path-breaking research on issues relating to the subject field in leading, peer-reviewed journals.
  3. Typically, meeting the above criterion will require the candidate to hold a senior faculty position at an academic institution/economic research institute, or equivalent, having obtained a PhD in economics and a minimum of 5 years of postdoctoral work and research experience in the subject field.

Award criteria

All proposals passing stage 2 will be evaluated and receive points in accordance with the following award criteria:

Qualitative award criteria Points
1. The clarity of the proposal as assessed by the precision with which:30
(i) it explains how the research topic will be addressed,10
(ii) it discusses the theoretical and empirical techniques that will be used to analyze specific issues,10
(iii) it explains the policy relevance of this analysis10
2. The quality of the proposal as measured by:70
(i) its potential to provide robust economic analysis that offers value-added vis-à-vis the existing academic literature on the subject field.25
(ii) the comprehensiveness of the proposal to address the research topic20
(iii) the potential of the proposal to provide new insights on highly pertinent policy issues specific to the research topic25
Total points100

Ranking of the proposals - Award process

With a view to awarding up to 3 contracts per theme under this research project, the proposals will be ranked in accordance with the points received for the above award criteria. The pass mark is set at 65 points.

In the event a candidate would be shortlisted for more than one proposal, the Commission will autonomously determine which proposal(s) will be retained. Candidates are reminded they can only be awarded a maximum of two contracts.

The assessment procedure is expected to be completed by June 2012. Candidates will be informed in due time of the outcome of the procedure.

Publication and copyright issues

DG ECFIN envisages publishing the research papers in a volume collecting all contributions.
The Commission will retain the copyright of papers. Copyright will be governed by the provisions specified in the draft contractpdf(94 kB) Choose translations of the previous link .

Further information

Information of a clarifying nature can be requested solely in writing via the mailbox Requests received less than five working days before the final date for submission of proposals might not be processed.

deadline for submission of proposals extended until 3 June 2012 (23:59 CET)

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