EU System

Visual regression testing

We test our components in order to catch visual regressions before they hit the production. We use WebdriverIO to drive those tests on Sauce Labs‘s Selenium cloud-based solution:

Here are the results of the latest build:

Build Status

How to test a new component

Testing a new component is quite simple. Follow the guide!

Write a test

Tests are located under test/spec. Create a new my-component.js file here and paste:

describe('my-component', () => {
  before(() => {
    // Set viewport size
      width: 1400,
      height: 600,


    // Go to the URL of the component

    // Make sure the browser has finished painting

    // Adds necessary scripts for accessibility testing

  // Normal state
  context('with plain state', () => {
    it('should match the reference screenshot', () => {
      const screenshots = browser.checkDocument({
        name: 'my-component',

    // This assertion is mostly the same for each test
    it('should be accessible', () => {
      const a11yReport = browser.runAxeCore('ecl-component-class').value;

Of course, replace my-component by the name of the actual component and make sure the URL you provide exists.

Under the hood, the URL will be prefixed by http://localhost:3000/{system}/components/preview/.

Get the reference screenshots

In order to get the reference screenshots, you have to run the tests locally. On the first run, if the reference screenshots don’t exist, they will be created. You need to create a Sauce Labs account and then create a new token.

Configure Sauce Labs

In your .env file, provide the information about your own Sauce Labs account.


Then, build the style guide with yarn dist.

Run all the tests

You can run all the tests with the following command:

yarn test:functional

It can take a while to run all the tests, so here come some shortcuts.

Run the tests for the updated packages only

Test your changes against the branch you want to merge in with:

yarn test:functional --since target-branch

The list of the updated packages is cached by default the first time it is generated, so if you encounter some strange behaviors, you can force the list to be rebuilt with: --ignoreCache.


yarn test:functional --since v1 --ignoreCache

Run 1 specific test

You can also decide to run only one specific test file:

yarn test:functional --spec ./src/systems/{system}/components/my-component/test/spec/my-component.js

Target 1 specific browser

Prepend your command with TEST_BROWSER=[browser you want to target] to target 1 specific browser.


TEST_BROWSER=firefox yarn test:functional

If everything went well, you should now have a new folder ./src/systems/{system}/components/my-component/test/screenshots/reference/my-component containing the reference screenshots. Add them to your Pull Request.

That’s it!