EU System


Europa Component Library (ECL) provides a maximally un-opinionated set of components’ behaviors. In rare occasions, some components such as the date picker might use external libraries which integrate typical behaviors. Components are jQuery-free and provide consistent APIs.

How to use

First, you need to include the JavaScript file of ECL.js provided in the latest release package. This file contains a JavaScript module called ECL which is an IIFE built by the ecl-builder utility.

This means that when you include the ECL library in your pages, you will have a namespaced global called ECL which contains the components’ factory functions.

ECL library in your browser's console


For a component to work on your pages, instantiate similarly to other popular JavaScript libraries. For example, here’s how to use the dialog component:

document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {

When you invoke the factory without any parameters, the dialog library will automatically create an overlay for the background and assume that you have a dialog window element on the page with an id ecl-dialog which will be displayed on click of a trigger element with data-ecl-dialog data attribute.

In other occasions, when you want to apply the dialog effect on existing elements which have different attributes, you can use the component as:

document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
    dialogWindowId: 'ecl-carousel',

In this example, the dialog will again create the overlay for the background automatically, but this time it will pop up a carousel gallery as the body of the dialog when open.

Components’ settings

At the moment, components’ JavaScript behaviors are documented in the code of the components themselves. When you want to see a demo of a component’s instantiation and settings you can also view the “Context” tab in demos provided in the library.