EU System


Developers - Getting started


  • Node.js current (8.x)
  • yarn >= 1.0.2

We recommend you to use Node Version Manager and to run nvm install followed by nvm use to get the right Node.js version.




EC system:

yarn start:ec

EU system:

yarn start:eu


yarn lint

Functional testing

In order to run the functional tests, you need a Sauce Labs account. If you don’t have a Sauce Labs account yet, you can sign up here.

Then, configure the 2 environment variables SAUCE_USERNAME and SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY. You can either create a local .env file from .env.example template or set the variables manually.

Be sure that you have built the framework before running the tests:

yarn dist

Then you can run:

yarn test:functional

For more details, see the testing documentation