EU System

SCSS coding conventions

In order to enforce consistent conventions and avoid errors in our stylesheets, we use the mighty stylelint linter.



We use the following presets:


Furthermore, we added the stylelint-selector-bem-pattern plugin to check the validity of selectors against our BEM-style conventions. All the classes we provide should follow the .ecl-block__element--modifier pattern.

In order to enable the BEM-style validation, you have to define a component with a comment.

/** @define label */

.ecl-label {

.ecl-label--primary {

More information can be found on postcss-bem-linter‘s project.


All the rules are made availble through our stylelint-config-ecl config. You are not supposed to override this configuration.

Automatically formats stylesheets

You can try to use stylefmt to format your stylesheets automatically. It can save you a lot of time but it can also introduce new errors.

For this reason, we don’t officially support it. Use it at your own risk.

IDE integration

Plugins for both stylelint and stylefmt are available for major editors like Atom and Sublime Text.