EU System


Headings and subheadings should be organised in a hierarchy, with heading first, followed by subheadings in order (An H2 will nestle under H1, and H2 under H3, and so on down).

Size Leading Weight Colour Usage
Headline M 40px Bold / regular White Headline on Page header (only used on homepage)
Heading 1 XXL 44px 600 White/Black Page titles (page header)/body of text
Heading 2 XL 33px 600 Black Body of the page
Heading 3 L 24px 600 EC Grey Body of the page/Listing components
Heading 4 M 30px 600 EC Grey
Heading 5 S 22px Regular / uppercase EC Grey

Line height

Line-height, traditionally known as leading, is one of several factors that directly contribute to readability and pacing of copy. Line-heights are based on the size of the font itself. Ideal line-heights for standard copy has a ratio of 1.66. For example, a type at 1em/16px would have a line-height of 24px (16 x 1.66). The exception to this rule are headings, which need less spacing and therefore have a line-height ratio of 1.1.

Headings line-height: type size x 1.1

<{{ element }} class="{{ class }}" style="{{ style }}">{{ text|escape }}</{{ element }}>
/* h1 */
  "element": "h1",
  "class": "ecl-heading ecl-heading--h1",
  "text": "Heading <h1> with class ecl-heading ecl-heading--h1"

/* h2 */
  "element": "h2",
  "class": "ecl-heading ecl-heading--h2",
  "text": "Heading <h2> with class ecl-heading ecl-heading--h2"

/* h3 */
  "element": "h3",
  "class": "ecl-heading ecl-heading--h3",
  "text": "Heading <h3> with class ecl-heading ecl-heading--h3"

/* h4 */
  "element": "h4",
  "class": "ecl-heading ecl-heading--h4",
  "text": "Heading <h4> with class ecl-heading ecl-heading--h4"

/* h5 */
  "element": "h5",
  "class": "ecl-heading ecl-heading--h5",
  "text": "Heading <h5> with class ecl-heading ecl-heading--h5"

/* headline */
  "element": "div",
  "class": "ecl-heading ecl-heading--headline",
  "style": "background-color: #004494",
  "text": "Headline with class ecl-heading ecl-heading--headline and background"

<!-- h1 -->
<h1 class="ecl-heading ecl-heading--h1" style="">Heading &lt;h1&gt; with class ecl-heading ecl-heading--h1</h1>

<!-- h2 -->
<h2 class="ecl-heading ecl-heading--h2" style="">Heading &lt;h2&gt; with class ecl-heading ecl-heading--h2</h2>

<!-- h3 -->
<h3 class="ecl-heading ecl-heading--h3" style="">Heading &lt;h3&gt; with class ecl-heading ecl-heading--h3</h3>

<!-- h4 -->
<h4 class="ecl-heading ecl-heading--h4" style="">Heading &lt;h4&gt; with class ecl-heading ecl-heading--h4</h4>

<!-- h5 -->
<h5 class="ecl-heading ecl-heading--h5" style="">Heading &lt;h5&gt; with class ecl-heading ecl-heading--h5</h5>

<!-- headline -->
<div class="ecl-heading ecl-heading--headline" style="background-color: #004494">Headline with class ecl-heading ecl-heading--headline and background</div>

  • Content:
    @import '@ecl/eu-base/eu-base';
    @import '@ecl/generic-style-typography-heading/generic-style-typography-heading--editor';
    @include exports('eu-style-typography-heading--editor') {
      @include ecl-editor-typography-heading();
  • URL: /components/raw/eu-style-typography-heading/eu-style-typography-heading--editor.scss
  • Filesystem Path: ../../src/systems/eu/eu-style/eu-style-typography/eu-style-typography-heading/eu-style-typography-heading--editor.scss
  • Size: 227 Bytes
  • Content:
     * Headings
     * @define heading
    // Import base and generic
    @import '@ecl/eu-base/eu-base';
    @import '@ecl/generic-style-typography-heading/generic-style-typography-heading';
    // Use generic mixin
    @include exports('eu-style-typography-heading') {
      @include ecl-typography-heading();
  • URL: /components/raw/eu-style-typography-heading/eu-style-typography-heading.scss
  • Filesystem Path: ../../src/systems/eu/eu-style/eu-style-typography/eu-style-typography-heading/eu-style-typography-heading.scss
  • Size: 292 Bytes
  • Handle: @ecl/eu-style-typography-heading
  • Preview:
  • Filesystem Path: ../../src/systems/eu/eu-style/eu-style-typography/eu-style-typography-heading/eu-style-typography-heading.twig