EU System

Context Navigations

Why and how to use this component

Users need a way to navigate and explore the context of the information on the current page.

When to use this component

Context navigation is placed:

  • near the top of the page, below the title. It is placed there in case the context is crucial to interpret the page content.
  • near the bottom of the page. That way it serves as a next step, for example as a next step to other content within the same context.
    - "label" (string)  (default: ''): label displayed before the list
    - "items" (array): array of contexts of "@ecl/eu-component-link"
    - "limit" (integer) (default: 5): max number of items to display (0 = display all)
    - "more_label" (string) (default: "More"): label of the "see more items" button
    - "extra_classes" (string) (default: '')
    - "extra_attributes" (array) (default: []): format: [
          "name" (string) (default: ''),
          "value" (string) (default: '')
    - "system" (string) (default: "generic")

{% include '@ecl/generic-component-context-nav' with { system: 'eu' } %}
  "_demo": {
    "scripts": "document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () { ECL.contextualNavs(); });"
  "label": "Label for context nav",
  "items": [
      "href": "../../example.html#",
      "label": "Item one"
      "href": "../../example.html#",
      "label": "Item two"
      "href": "../../example.html#",
      "label": "Item three"
      "href": "../../example.html#",
      "label": "Item four"
      "href": "../../example.html#",
      "label": "Item five"
      "href": "../../example.html#",
      "label": "Item six"
      "href": "../../example.html#",
      "label": "Item seven"
<div class="ecl-context-nav">
  <span class="ecl-context-nav__label">Label for context nav</span>
  <ul class="ecl-context-nav__list">
    <li class="ecl-context-nav__item">

      <a class="ecl-link ecl-link--standalone" href="../../example.html#">Item one</a>
    <li class="ecl-context-nav__item">

      <a class="ecl-link ecl-link--standalone" href="../../example.html#">Item two</a>
    <li class="ecl-context-nav__item">

      <a class="ecl-link ecl-link--standalone" href="../../example.html#">Item three</a>
    <li class="ecl-context-nav__item">

      <a class="ecl-link ecl-link--standalone" href="../../example.html#">Item four</a>
    <li class="ecl-context-nav__item ecl-context-nav__item--over-limit">

      <a class="ecl-link ecl-link--standalone" href="../../example.html#">Item five</a>
    <li class="ecl-context-nav__item ecl-context-nav__item--over-limit">

      <a class="ecl-link ecl-link--standalone" href="../../example.html#">Item six</a>
    <li class="ecl-context-nav__item ecl-context-nav__item--over-limit">

      <a class="ecl-link ecl-link--standalone" href="../../example.html#">Item seven</a>
    <li class="ecl-context-nav__item ecl-context-nav__more">

      <button type="submit" class="ecl-button ecl-button--none ecl-button--caret-right ecl-context-nav__button ecl-link ecl-link--standalone">More</button>
  • Content:
     * Context navigation scripts
    import { queryAll } from '@ecl/eu-base/helpers/dom';
    const expandContextualNav = (
        classToRemove = 'ecl-context-nav__item--over-limit',
        hiddenElementsSelector = '.ecl-context-nav__item--over-limit',
        context = document,
      } = {}
    ) => {
      if (!contextualNav) {
      const hiddenElements = queryAll(hiddenElementsSelector, context);
      // Remove extra class
      hiddenElements.forEach(element => {
      // Remove buttton
    // Helper method to automatically attach the event listener to all the expandables on page load
    export const contextualNavs = ({
      selector = '.ecl-context-nav',
      buttonSelector = '.ecl-context-nav__more',
      hiddenElementsSelector = '.ecl-context-nav__item--over-limit',
      classToRemove = 'ecl-context-nav__item--over-limit',
      context = document,
    } = {}) => {
      const nodesArray = queryAll(selector, context);
      nodesArray.forEach(node => {
        const button = context.querySelector(buttonSelector);
        if (button) {
          button.addEventListener('click', () =>
            expandContextualNav(node, button, {
    export default contextualNavs;
  • URL: /components/raw/eu-component-context-nav/eu-component-context-nav.js
  • Filesystem Path: ../../src/systems/eu/eu-component/eu-component-context-nav/eu-component-context-nav.js
  • Size: 1.3 KB
  • Content:
     * Context navigation
     * @define context-nav
    // Import base and generic
    @import '@ecl/eu-base/eu-base';
    @import '@ecl/generic-component-context-nav/generic-component-context-nav';
    // Check if overridden dependencies are already loaded, if needed
    @include check-imports(('eu-component-button', 'eu-component-link'));
    // Use generic mixin
    @include exports('eu-component-context-nav') {
      @include ecl-context-nav();
  • URL: /components/raw/eu-component-context-nav/eu-component-context-nav.scss
  • Filesystem Path: ../../src/systems/eu/eu-component/eu-component-context-nav/eu-component-context-nav.scss
  • Size: 426 Bytes
  • Handle: @ecl/eu-component-context-nav
  • Tags: atom
  • Preview:
  • Filesystem Path: ../../src/systems/eu/eu-component/eu-component-context-nav/eu-component-context-nav.twig