EC System

EC System

The Europa Component Library (ECL) is a library of components applicable to all European Commission websites (hosted under The library contains all available components which you can use to build your website.

The Digital Transformation team (DTT) - a cross European Commission team led by DGs COMM, DIGIT, and DTT - is the owner of this library. Please contact COMM Europa Management for support on using this resource for a European Commission website.

All library elements are accompanied with

  • documentation: what the component is intended for and recommendations regarding its usage
  • demo: visual representation of the component
  • code: technologically agnostic HTML/CSS code for implementation

Websites hosted on the corporate European Commission Next Europa CMS (based on Drupal) can also benefit from a Drupal theme implementation that is based on this same library of components.

Component statuses

Components and their variants have been given statuses reflecting their state of completion. The available statuses are listed below.

Label Description
Can be used in production.
Still under discussion.
Work in progress. Implement with caution.
Not to be used on new applications. Kept temporarily.
Cannot be used.