
Site footer

The site footer component is present on every page. Its content provides supplementary information such as a sitemap, copyright and legal notices, privacy and accessibility statements, social media and contact information as well as various links to other important sections within the EC ecosystem.

The content of the footer for the Core configuration is specific and all items mandatory.

The standardised and harmonised configurations share the same structure and guidelines, and are organised in 2 main sections:

  • The local section: with information and links related to the current site. Its content is defined by the site owner, following the guidelines of DG COMM
  • The corporate part: with information applicable to the Commission as a whole. Its content is defined by DG COMM

Standardised & Harmonised config.

Anatomy table

1Site namemandatorymandatoryName of the site
2Content owner detailsmandatorymandatoryIndicates ownership over the site's content
3Accessibility statementmandatorymandatoryLinks to the accessibility statement
4DG-related Service navigationoptionaloptionalLinks to the associated services available through the DG-site
5DG-related navigationoptionaloptionalLinks to the main content pages
6Class namesmandatoryoptionalParent classes under which the DG falls in relation to the info-site
7LogomandatorymandatoryLogo of the European Commission
8Service navigationmandatorymandatoryContains legal information links - consistent throughout the family sites
9Legal navigationmandatorymandatoryContains legal information links - consistent throughout the family sites