This site has been archived on 03/11/2014
Creative Europe in spotlight at MIPCOM 2012

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Creative Europe in spotlight at MIPCOM 2012

The future Creative Europe programme will be in the spotlight at this week's MIPCOM in Cannes, the leading global market for entertainment content on television and other platforms.

The European Commission envisages an increase in support for European TV co-productions under the proposed €1.8 billion Creative Europe programme for 2014-2020, following the success of similar ventures under the existing MEDIA programme, which has invested nearly € 60 million on TV co-productions. These include historical drama The Borgias, a French-German production, which was sold to eight other eight other EU countries and received € 500 000 from MEDIA, and crime series The Bridge, a Swedish-Danish-led venture, with pre-sales in seven countries, which received € 400.000. To be eligible for funding support, at least three broadcasters from different countries must be involved in the production. The MEDIA 'strand' of Creative Europe will also continue to support training and networking initiatives for TV professionals to encourage future European collaborations. Current examples of such projects include the European Drama Series Lab run by the Erich Pommer Institute in Potsdam and the 'Serial Eyes' post-graduate course for young script-writers and producers organised by the German Film and Television Academy. The Creative Europe programme is currently being discussed by Member States and the European Parliament, which will jointly decide its future budget. Commission Vice-President Neelie Kroes (Digital Agenda) and Commissioner Androulla Vassiliou (Education, Culture, Multilingualism and Youth) will issue a declaration at MIPCOM on opportunities created by the digital revolution. More information: MIPCOM 2012, MEMO/12/752 (Contact: Dennis Abbott: +
Last update: 24/11/2014 |  Top