This site has been archived on 03/11/2014
EU budget 2014-2020: Investing today for growth tomorrow

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EU budget 2014-2020: Investing today for growth tomorrow

The European Union has just proposed a multi-annual budget for 2014-2020. Responding to today's concerns and  tomorrow's needs it focuses on priority funding at the EU level that provides true added value and includes more funds for Europe’s youth. In order to overcome the fragmentation of current instruments the Commission proposes to create an integrated programme of €15.2 billion for education, training and youth ('Education Europe'), with a clear focus on developing skills and mobility. The Commission's plans also include a new programme for the cultural and creative sector worth €1.6 billion ('Creative Europe').

A simplification of the current structure to one main programme is planned in order to avoid fragmentation, overlapping and/or proliferation of projects lacking the critical mass necessary to a lasting impact. The New Education Europe programme will include three key priorities.

Firstly, it will support trans-national learning mobility. Strict quality conditions for mobility, concentration on key policy objectives where critical mass can be achieved and complemented with other EU programmes will be instrumental in ensuring very high European added value.

Secondly, it will foster co-operation between education institutions and the world of work in order to promote the modernisation of education, innovation and entrepreneurship.

Thirdly, it will provide policy support to gather evidence on the effectiveness of education investments and help Member States to implement effective policies.

Funding through the new programme will be complemented by significant support for education and training through the Structural Funds. For example, in the period 2007-2013 around €72.5 billion is being spent on education and training across Europe's regions, and similar levels of spending can be expected in the future.

The Commission further proposes a common strategic framework in research and development, to be called Horizon 2020, which will have a volume €80 billion for the 2014-2020 period and include the Marie Curie actions for skills, training and career development of researchers and the European Institute for Innovation and Technology.

More info

  • The communication is available on the Multiannual Financial Framework website
  • MEMO/11/468: Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF): Questions and answers
  • MEMO/11/469: Money where it matters – how the EU budget delivers value to you
  • MEMO/11/459: Myths about the EU budget and the Multiannual Financial Framework
  • SPEECH/11/487: Remarks by President Barroso on the Commission's proposals for the 2014-2020 Multi-Annual Financial Framework
Last update: 24/11/2014 |  Top