This site has been archived on 03/11/2014
Commissioner visits Florence 'Youth on the Move' event

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Commissioner visits Florence 'Youth on the Move' event

An estimated 20 000 people visited the Youth on the Move tent set up on Florence's Piazza della Signoria for the Festival dell'Europa on 6-10 May 2011. The varied programme, highlighting projects financed through the Lifelong Learning and Youth in Action EU programmes, attracted a mixed crowd of interested young people, tourists and passers-by.

Reading event in Florence'Youth on the Move' has become a familiar phrase in Florence as awareness of the initiative has spread. Commisssioner Vassiliou spent a lot of her time with the young people, explaining EU policy and participating in various events and award ceremonies.

On Sunday 8 May she presided over a reading event with dozens of children and teenagers reading out texts written over the ages about Florence. She was accompanied by Josep Borrell, president of the European University Institute, and David Riondino, famous Florentine actor and singer. The reading went on for more than an hour, to the delight of all present. With European Parliament President Jerzy Buzek, she also took part in a conference on the state of the EU, one year on from the adoption of the Lisbon treaty.



Last update: 24/11/2014 |  Top