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Unleashing Europe's potential through mobilising up to €25 billion of finance for SMEs English (en)


European Commission Press release Brussels, 30 June 2014 European Commission Vice President Antonio Tajani has announced that SMEs in Europe will soon have the opportunity to access up to €25 billion of additional finance supported by the COSME programme (the EU Programme for the Competitiveness of Enterprises and Small and...

Viac English (en)

European Enterprise Promotion Awards: Entrepreneurial education crucial for jobs creation English (en)


Commission Press release Brussels, 25 June 2014 European Education is an essential element of entrepreneurship. Studies show that students who receive entrepreneurship education are not only more likely to be employed, but also more likely to start their own companies.

Viac English (en)

Bisphenol A (BPA) strictly limited in toys English (en)


European Commission Press release Brussels, 25 June 2014 In its continuous strive to improve the safety of toys the European Commission has decided today to set a strict limit of 0.1 mg/l (migration limit) in toys for children up to the age of 3 years and in any toys intended...

Viac English (en)

Montenegro joins COSME, the EU´s financing programme for small and medium-sized enterprises English (en)


European Commission Press release Brussels, 25 June 2014 Montenegro is the first candidate country to join the EU's Competitiveness of Enterprises and Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises Programme (COSME), under which the European Commission promotes entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial culture, improves access to finance for SMEs and access to markets, boosts the...

Viac English (en)

A New Deal for European Defence: Commission proposes industrial action plan Deutsch (de) English (en) français (fr) italiano (it)


European Commission Press release Brussels, 24 June 2014 The European Commission has today presented a roadmap for measures to strengthen the Single Market for defence, to promote a more competitive defence industry and to foster synergies between civil and military research including details and timelines for the actions.

Viac Deutsch (de) English (en) français (fr) italiano (it)

Oneskorené platby: Komisia od Talianska a Slovenska požaduje objasnenia


Európska komisia Tlačová správa Brusel 18. júna 2014 Komisia sa dnes rozhodla, že od Talianska a Slovenska bude požadovať objasnenia, pokiaľ ide o uplatňovanie a vykonávanie smernice o oneskorených platbách na ich území. Žiadosť o informácie má v oboch prípadoch podobu formálnej výzvy v rámci konania EÚ o porušení.


EU enhances commercial access to Earth observation data Deutsch (de) English (en) français (fr) italiano (it)


European Commission Press release Brussels, 17 June 2014 Businesses and research institutions will soon have more reliable access to commercial earth observation satellite data, according to a proposal presented by the European Commission in Brussels today.

Viac Deutsch (de) English (en) français (fr) italiano (it)

Tajani visita la Sinagoga e il museo ebraico di Bruxelles con una delegazione guidata dal Presidente della Comunità ebraica di Roma, Riccardo Pacifici italiano (it)


Viac italiano (it)

Earth observation: Sentinel-1A first images underline societal benefits of Copernicus Deutsch (de) English (en) français (fr)


European Commission Press release Brussels, 8 May 2014 Today the European Commission and the European Space Agency have published some of the first high quality images delivered by Sentinel-1A launched on 3 April 2014. The images are available at the following link: http://ec.europa.eu/enterprise/newsroom/cf/itemdetail.cfm?item_id=7506.

Viac Deutsch (de) English (en) français (fr)

EU Corporate Social Responsibility policy: The Commission seeks stakeholders’ views on achievements and future challenges English (en)


European Commission Press release Brussels, 29 April 2014 The Commission is seeking stakeholders’ views about the impact of its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Strategy over the past three years and on the role it should play in the future.

Viac English (en)


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