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Second Report on Consumer Policy 2012 - 2013: Making a real difference for Europe's consumers


Consumer policy is a cross-cutting policy, impacting sectors as diverse as energy, food, digital technology and financial services.

The European Commission adopted in 2012 the European Consumer Agenda , its strategic vision for EU consumer policy, for the years to come. The Consumer Agenda, which is coordinated by Vice-President Reding and Commissioner Mimica, aims to maximise consumer participation and trust in the market. Over the past two years the European Commission has been working hard, together with a broad range of partners including national authorities, consumer organisations, business and other EU institutions and bodies, to turn the Agenda's objectives into a reality.

The second Report on Consumer Policy demonstrates the significant progress achieved so far, covering the period from January 2012 to December 2013. It responds to the request of European Parliament to inform periodically on how consumer interests are integrated in the relevant areas of activity of the European Union. Out of 62 measures for European consumers presented in the Consumer Agenda two years ago, 52 have been completed and the remaining 10 are underway. As a result of continued efforts European citizens today can rely on robust safety controls, stronger rights, effective access to redress and better coordinated enforcement.



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