This site has been archived on 07/11/14
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Commissioner Neven Mimica pays tribute to Malcolm Harbour and his dedication to supporting consumers in Europe


Commissioner Mimica was unable to attend the final session of the European Parliament's Committee for Internal Market and Consumer Protection to be chaired by Malcolm Harbour, but made the following statement.

"Malcolm has been one of the central figures in developing European consumer rights through his skilful chairmanship of the European Parliament's committee on Internal Market and Consumer Protection. He has always sought to place the interests of consumers at the heart of the work of his committee in the knowledge that a true single market must work for consumers and producers alike.

This has not always been a straightforward task, but by working together on our Consumer Agenda, the Union has established a coherent strategy on consumer policy. It has paved the way for stricter consumer safety, better information for consumers about their rights, more effective enforcement across Europe and permanent adaptation of consumer rights to our rapidly changing world. These developments are set out in a report on the implementation of the consumer agenda, which the Commission published today and presented to the members of the IMCO committee. It is a fitting reminder of the work which, the Commission, the Member states and the Parliament, especially Malcolm and the IMCO committee have carried out on behalf of European consumers.

More than this it is an excellent basis for tackling pressing consumer issues during the new legislature. Issues such as the difficult economic situation of many households; the need for more effective enforcement; the digitalisation of our daily lives or the need to allow Member States with a weaker consumer culture to catch up".