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EU Consumer Summit 2014: Ensuring that consumers reap the benefits of the digital economy


Completing the digital single market would benefit EU consumers by on average €400 a year, some €200 billion Europe wide. The digital economy brings real benefits for consumers, but it also raises important questions about consumers’ rights online. This year’s Consumer Summit will focus on how we can ensure that consumers reap the full benefits from the digital sector.

On the occasion of the Summit the European Commissioner for Consumer Policy, Neven Mimica said: "Consumers have a lot to gain from the digital economy: better deals to be found, more content to access and cheaper ways to communicate. At present only 50% of consumers in the EU shop online. There is a clear potential for growth but we have to make sure that consumers can be as confident shopping online as they are when shopping on the high street.”

This year's Summit brings together, some 400 participants representing the European Parliament, the Commission, national governments, consumer and business associations, enforcement and regulatory authorities, the European Consumer Centres and the European Data Protection Supervisor.

This year's Summit brings together, some 400 participants representing the European Parliament, the Commission, national governments, consumer and business associations, enforcement and regulatory authorities, the European Consumer Centres and the European Data Protection Supervisor.