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"Digital" Consumer Summit, 1-2 April 2014 – Record you questions now!


Questions on what the EU does for consumers? Curious about your digital consumer rights and where to complain if something goes wrong? Interested in a particular consumer protection topic in the online environment? Want to share why you trust or don't trust Internet or e-commerce? Want to highlight what are the difficulties you meet as a consumers when you shop online or use Internet?

The annual European Consumer Summit will take place on 1 and 2 April 2014 in Brussels and is dedicated to consumers in the digital era. This year's event will bring together approximately 400 participants including from the European Parliament, the Commission, national governments, consumer and business associations, enforcement and regulatory authorities, the European Consumer Centres and the European Data Protection Supervisor.

The aim of the Summit is to look at what has been achieved so far in making European consumer policy fit for the digital age and what remains to be done to tackle emerging challenges. Targeted workshops will be held on issues such as connectivity, online consumer rights, online payments, trustmarks and user reviews, digital literacy and ways for consumers to find better deals online.

Citizens have a chance to pose questions directly to the Summit speakers, by recording a short video, which might be selected for broadcasting during the event. The European Commission will answer all the questions in writing after the Summit.

The Commission also welcomes questions and ideas to feed into the debate via Twitter, using the European Consumer Summit hashtag: #ConsumerSummit

To see the full programme and list of speakers and to record your question online, visit the Consumer Summit website: