This site has been archived on 07/11/14
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Statement by Commissioner Neven Mimica on the one year anniversary of complete prohibition of animal testing for cosmetics in the EU


"One year ago from today the full ban of animal testing for cosmetics entered into force in the European Union. With this ban, the Union has taken global leadership to demonstrate that safe and innovative cosmetics are possible without new animal tests. I am very encouraged that other countries are now starting to follow. To support this, I will work to make sure that the European approach and alternative methods are an integral part of the Union's trade agenda and international cooperation."

"I will continue the ongoing work to ensure coherent implementation of this ban inside the European Union and monitor its impacts and to promote research, development and validation of new alternative methods for safety testing."


On 11 March 2013 the European Union put in place a ban on the marketing of the remaining cosmetic substances tested on animals. This was the final step in a 10 years process to totally ban animal testing. In 2003, the Directive 2003/15/EC introduced provisions in relation into animal testing into the Cosmetic Directive 76/768/EEC. Accordingly, animal testing in the Union was prohibited since 2004 for cosmetic products and since 2009 for cosmetic ingredients ('testing ban'). As from March 2009, it is also prohibited to market in the Union cosmetic products containing ingredients which have been tested on animals ('marketing ban').

For more information on the European Union's ban on animal testing: