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Official visit of Commissioner Mimica to Poland


On the 26 November 2013 Commissioner Neven Mimica visited Poland where he met with Mr Bartosz Arłukowicz, Minister of Health; Mr Jarosław Król, Vice-President of the Office for Competition and Consumer protection; Mr Wojciech Kowalczyk, Undersecretary of State in the Ministry of Finance; Mr Kamil Pluskwa-Dąbrowski, President of the Polish Consumer Federation National Council, Mr Paweł Rokicki, President of the Association of Polish Consumers and Mr Piotr Stańczak, Head of the European Consumer Centre Poland.

The main issues discussed during the meetings were the legislative proposals on Payment Accounts directive, Product Safety and Market Surveillance package and Regulation on Medical Devices and in vitro diagnostics medical devices. Additionally Commissioner Mimica had an exchange of views with his interlocutors on the enforcement of consumer rights, capacity building in Member States and the review of the Regulation on the Consumer protection cooperation.