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Commission welcomes European Parliament vote to improve Consumer safety


A further step towards ensuring the enhanced safety of European consumers was the welcome given by Vice President of the European Commission, responsible for Industry and Entrepreneurship, Antonio Tajani and Commissioner for Consumer policy Neven Mimica to today’s vote of the Internal market committee of the European Parliament on a negotiating mandate for the product safety package proposed by the European Commission.

"Today's vote is another important step toward a more transparent and secure internal market that promotes the competitiveness of enterprises. I would like to thank the European Parliament for its strong support" Tajani added. "I hope that now the discussion in the Council and in the European Parliament could start quickly and be constructive".

For Commissioner Mimica “Today’s vote brings us a step further towards the adoption of this much needed package of measures to enhance the safety of European consumers.” He added The Commission has presented a balanced package of measures. The parliament is now ready to negotiate and the Commission is committed to working with both the Parliament and the Member States to see the package adopted during the mandate of this parliament.