This site has been archived on 07/11/14
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Commissioner Mimica welcomes the EP Plenary Vote on medical devices and In vitro diagnostics


"Today, we have passed an important milestone on the road to restoring patients' trust in Europe's regulatory system for medical devices, said Commissioner Mimica, the European Commissioner for Consumer Policy." The Commissioner added: "The decision by the European Parliament to give a strong mandate to the rapporteurs – Mrs Roth-Behrendt and Mr Liese, will, I am certain, pave the way for successful negotiations. I would like to thank the two rapporteurs and all the members who through their hard work have made today's vote possible. The European Commission's aim in these negotiations will be to ensure the highest level of patient and consumer safety while making sure that innovation continues to flourish. We will continue to work closely with the Parliament, and with the Member States in the Council, to achieve this objective. It is now time for the Council to accelerate its work. If together we continue with the hard work and co-operative spirit which has been shown here today and in the preceding weeks, I am sure we can deliver for citizens by concluding these important files within the current Parliamentary term."