This site has been archived on 07/11/14
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Making e-commerce work for consumers: discuss your ideas with Commissioner Mimica!


On Monday 14 October at 10:30 CET Commissioner Mimica will hold a live text chat with citizens on how to boost consumer confidence online as the vital ingredient for successful e-commerce. This chat is part of the EU Single Market Month, which brings European citizens and EU leaders together online to discuss the challenges remaining and ideas for the future of the Single Market.

You can pre-submit your comments and questions and participate live at the discussion – in English and Croatian – on the Single Market Month website:

Key topics:

1) Enforcement of consumer rights online - eliminating unfair commercial practices in e-commerce
2) Online dispute resolution - solving problems arising from online purchases more efficiently
3) Digital content products (downloads, apps) - making sure your rights are respected in practice
4) Online consumer information: improving comparison tools and user reviews
5) Capacity building: providing all European consumers with the knowledge and tools necessary to participate actively in e-commerce