This site has been archived on 07/11/14
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Commissioner Mimica welcomed ideas on e-commerce and better consumer protection rules in an online chat with EU citizens


Today Commissioner Mimica answered questions and welcomed ideas on how to improve e-commerce and consumer protection rules across the EU during an online chat with citizens. The chat was part of the EU Single Market Month, which brings EU citizens and leaders together online to discuss the challenges ahead of the Single Market.

The Commissioner received over 20 questions in both Croatian and English. They covered topics including EU-wide monitoring of websites selling goods and services online, trustmarks for e-commerce and cross-border copyright. People gave interesting suggestions like putting smileys on user-friendly online retailers and creating an "e-commerce police". The full chat is available at:

The most interesting ideas which people have proposed during the Single Market Month will feed into EU's future policies. So, who ones, maybe one day we will have an e-commerce police?