This site has been archived on 07/11/14
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Internet users experienced savings of €14.70 a month through switching to a better deal, shows new EU Study


The European Commission published a Staff Working Document on the functioning of the market for Internet access and provision. The study, which targeted consumers in the EU, Norway, and Iceland shows that over a third of respondents had experienced problems with their Internet provider over the last 12 months.

The study revealed that customers experienced high levels of satisfaction when switching providers and that on average, they saved 14.7€ per month. Working together with Vice President Kroes, Commissioner Mimica is committed to ensure consumers get the information they need to make the best value choice for themselves.

Moreover by working in close co-operation with consumers' associations and other partners the Commissioner wants the conditions to be in place for consumers to easily obtain the best deal. Other findings of the study include: differences between EU12/EU15 in choice of providers and available technology, lower speeds in rural areas, as well as lack of clarity in the information provided to consumers to allow them to make informed choices.