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There is still time to contribute to the consultation on individual pension plans


The European Commission is holding a public consultation on third pillar retirement products (individual pension plans). The consultation is focused on consumer protection. It is open until 19 July 2013.

Consumer affairs consultations

Consumer protection in third-pillar retirement products

Policy: Consumer protection / Financial services / Pensions

Consultation period: 25 April – 19 July 2013

Target group:

  • Public authorities
  • Financial industry
  • Non-financial businesses and business organisations
  • Trade unions
  • Civil society representatives and NGOs
  • Citizens

Purpose and scope

  • Identify specific problems encountered by consumers in the area of third-pillar retirement products (personal pension schemes).
  • Steer the debate towards identifying optimal ways of addressing some of the specificities in this field.
  • Use the collected information to develop a genuine, consumer-friendly Single Market for personal pension schemes.

Submitting your contribution

European Commission Directorate General Health and Consumers Unit B4 – Financial services and redress B-1049 - Belgium

Personal data


  • To support ongoing measures on pensions in line with the Europe 2020 strategy, the 2012 White Paper on pensions outlined an agenda at EU level for ensuring that pensions are efficient, adequate and sustainable.
  • Complementary retirement savings (including third-pillar retirement products) will play a greater role in reducing the burden on public pension schemes and increasing pensioner income.
  • One of the actions of the 2012 White Paper on pensions aims to raise the quality of third pillar retirement products by improving consumer information and protection standards.

Background documents