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Free movement: reinforcement en route

30 May 2013

A border within Schengen, between Switzerland and Austria. New rules to strengthen the free movement of citizens have come a step closer. Photo: Quan the Pooh/Flickr (CC)

An agreement has been reached between EU institutions about a reinforcement of the EU area of free movement, Schengen. Welcoming the agreement, which was struck at so-called trialogue level between the Commission, the EU Council of Ministers and the European Parliament, EU Commissioner Cecilia Malmström called the Schengen system "one of the most cherished achievements of the EU".

A reinforcement of the Schengen system has been underway since 2011.  The European Commission then proposed legislative changes which would set clearer common standards for managing borders, and ensure free movement and borderless travel for citizens.

"The agreement paves the way for a sound Schengen governance based on clear and transparent rules that will make the system more efficient, thanks to the central role given to the European Commission. This is an important step towards a more European and better functioning Schengen area for the benefit of European citizens. The new mechanism will better ensure that the rules are respected."

Added Malmström:

"This truly European system, coordinated by the Commission, will allow us to efficiently monitor the situation at our external borders, to react, to provide for the necessary support and to remedy weaknesses. It will allow the Commission to verify, also through on-site visits, that Member States respect their obligations and will not to carry out unjustified border checks. The Commission will intervene in case of abuses of the Schengen rules. This will strengthen trust among Member States and, by reinforcing its European dimension, will contribute to protecting one of the most cherished achievements of the EU, the freedom of movement."

The agreement at now needs the formal endorsements of the EU Council and Parliament.

"All the EU institutions have been working very constructively to find a solution and I am confident that the European Parliament and the Council will soon formally endorse the agreement", Malmström said.


Read the full statement here.