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Migration & cybercrime talks with U.S.

2 May 2013

At the meeting between EU Home Affairs Commissioner Cecilia Malmström and U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder. Photo: U.S. Department of Justice

This week, EU Home Affairs Commissioner Cecilia Malmström visited Washington D.C., where she met with Attorney General Eric Holder, Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano, and others. Main topics of discussion were cybercrime and joint efforts to fight sexual abuse of children online, as well as violent extremism, in view of the recent act of terror in Boston.

Cecilia Malmström shared her experiences from the Radicalisation Awareness Network, which she formed 18 months ago. It gathers local actors, researchers, volunteer organisations, police and others to exchange knowledge on ways of countering radicalisation and violent extremism.

The planned migration reforms in the U.S. were also a topic of discussion in Washington D.C. After her meetings, Cecilia Malmström wrote on her blog:

"It is interesting to compare the debate on migration here, versus the debate in Europe. Here in the U.S., there is a growing political consensus on the notion that migration is necessary, and that it is mainly something positive. In Europe, where we despite high levels of unemployment will need labour migration, it is instead largely seen as a problem."

During her visit to Washington D.C., Cecilia Malmström also spoke to students and researchers at Georgetown University about migration and asylum issues, and participated in a panel debate on Cybercrime at George Washington University.


Read Cecilia Malmström's blog post in full here, and read more about the cooperation to fight online child abuse.