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'Smart borders' discussed at Council

7 March 2013

Commissioner Malmström (left) and Alan Shatter, Irish Minister for Justice, at the press conference on 7 March. Photo: European Union

At the meeting of EU Home Affairs Ministers in Brussels Thursday, Commissioner Cecilia Malmström presented the European Commission's proposals for a "Smart borders" system. The system would facilitate and reinforce border check procedures for people travelling to the EU.

"Ministers were keen to move this forward and now we will go into negotiations on the details with the European Parliament", Cecilia Malmström said at the press conference after the Council.

Apart from 'smart borders', ministers also set the date for launching the second generation Schengen Information System (SIS II) to 9 April. The SIS system allows for information exchanges between national border control, customs and police authorities. Its second generation includes the possibility to use biometric data, while ensuring stronger data protection.

Ministers and the Commissioner also discussed her recent trip to Morocco and the meeting in January of the EU Radicalisation Network.


Watch the press conference after the meeting here. Read more about the results in the Council's press release .