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Florence: Opening of the Migration Policy Centre

25 June 2012

This week, EU Commissioner for Home Affairs, Cecilia Malmström, is in Florence to attend the official opening of the Migration Policy Centre. Founded with the support of the European Union, the Migration Policy Centre conducts research on global migration issues relevant to European policies.

The launch of the MPC will be accompanied by a two-day event during which policymakers, researchers and civil society representatives will discuss the role of immigration in post-crisis economies, the relationships between immigration and welfare, employment, and innovation, and the effects the Arab Spring may have had on EU policymaking on immigration.

"Migration and mobility are crucial for growth and for Europe's economic recovery. We need to reinforce our policies and adapt them to emerging challenges. In order to make the right choices we need reliable analysis, research, data as well as critical and strategic thinking. That is where the MPC has an important role to play and I am very pleased to see that the Centre will now formally start its work," said Cecilia Malmström, EU commissioner for Home Affairs in her keynote speech.

Read the full press release.