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Commission carries out first Schengen 'health check'

16 May 2012

Over 400 million Europeans currently enjoy passport-free travel across the Schengen area. With Europeans making more than 1.25 billion journeys every year, vigilance is required to defend citizens' right to free movement. Today, the Commission adopted its first 'health check', a biannual overview on the functioning of the Schengen area, which will contribute to cooperation amongst Schengen countries. The report is accompanied by guidelines on how to implement the Schengen rules.

"Schengen is one of the most valued achievements of European integration. It is widely cherished by EU's citizens and makes a major contribution to our economic prosperity. Everyone needs to do their part to preserve Schengen. This starts with a regular, healthy debate in the European Parliament and the Council for which today's report provides a good basis", said Cecilia Malmström, Commissioner for Home Affairs.

Read more: The press release and the full report pdf - 73 KB [73 KB]