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Visiting liberated lands

24 April 2012

Nichi Vendola, President of the Apulia Region, 2nd on the left, and Cecilia Malmström in the middle. Photo: European Union

Luxury villas, farmlands and nightclubs - these are among the assets that the Italian police have confiscated from the mafia in recent years. This week, EU commissioner for Home Affairs Cecilia Malmström visited Apulia in Southern Italy where confiscated farmland is used for agriculture and social projects, creating jobs and opportunities in the local community. Recently, Commissioner Malmström proposed new EU rules for more effective confiscation of criminal assets in Europe.

Blogging from the visit to Italy, Malmström wrote:

"The involvement from civil society in this area is enormous. It's a daily struggle to show that the anti-mafia is more powerful than the mafia itself."

Read the full blog entry. Photos from the visit can be found at Europe by Satellite, and more information about the proposal to confiscate criminal assets is available here.