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Stronger cooperation and mobility in the renewed EU migration strategy

18 November 2011

The EU needs to boost its relationships with non-EU States to better reap the mutual benefits migration can bring. Although migration is high on the European Union’s agenda, the Arab spring and events in the Southern Mediterranean in 2011 has highlighted the need for a coherent migration policy for the EU. That is why today the European Commission proposes to strengthen dialogue and operational cooperation with non-EU partner countries in the area of migration and mobility.

"The EU will be better equipped for migration governance at home and globally only if it further reinforces its dialogue and cooperation with partner countries", said Cecilia Malmström, Commissioner for Home Affairs.

Mobility of third country nationals across the external EU borders is important as it applies to a wide range of people, such as short-term visitors, tourists, students, researchers, business people or visiting family members. Today, an online portal with hands-on information to migrants was also launched:

More inforrmation can be found in the press releases on the migration strategy and the immigration portal, the Frequently Asked Questions and the list of migration projects.