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Financing of Home affairs: More money, more flexibility, simpler rules

15 November 2011

Recent events, be it the Arab Spring or the terrorist attacks in Norway, illustrate how important it is for the EU to be able to react quickly and effectively to rapidly evolving crisis situations. This is why the European Commission will increase the funding available for Home Affairs and will improve and simplify the way EU financing is delivered.

The Commission is proposing an 2014-2020 Home Affairs budget of €10.7 billion. This represents an increase of almost 40% compared to the total budget for the period 2007-2013.The number of funds will be reduced from six to two: A new Asylum and Migration fund and a new Internal Security fund. Simplifying the rules and cutting red tape will ensure that results are delivered quicker on the ground.

"With these proposals, we are bolstering the EU's capacity to provide support when and where it is most needed. Adequate funding with simpler and more flexible rules is crucial to address the increasingly transnational challenges that the EU faces. We need a faster and more effective EU response to events like those we have seen in North Africa in recent months," said Cecilia Malmström, Commissioner for Home Affairs.

Find out more: Press release & frequently asked questions.