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Malmström discussed extremism with Stockholm youth

6 oktober 2011

What can be done at EU level to prevent tragedies like the one in Norway last summer? How can radicalisation and extremism be prevented? Such issues were debated in Stockholm, Sweden, Thursday at a conference on youth issues. In a speech, Commissioner Cecilia Malmström spoke of the the importance of engaging in preventive work at an early stage, and not only fighting full-grown terrorism.

"Today, we must draw the conclusion that EU member states have not done enough in this field. We have not given enough support to your work", Malmström said in her speech, to the assembled youth organisations at a conference held at Stockholm's Fryshuset venue.

She added:
"By constantly defending the values we believe in, we can contribute to a better and more secure society. I'm looking forward to discussing how we can work better in unison, when fighting exclusion and preventing individuals from choosing the path of hate."

After her speech, Malmström spoke with meeting participants on the ways forward in this policy field. At present, a Europe-wide anti-radicalisation network is being set up, through which different actors - schools, law-enforcement, academia - will be able to exchange views and experiences on how to curb radicalisation and extremism.

Cecilia Malmström's Stockholm visit continues Friday, when she is participating in a Swedish national council on integration issues, organised by the Swedish government.