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Report: Study in the EU difficult for foreign students

28 september 2011

According to a report issued by the Commission Wednesday, foreign students still experience difficulties coming to the EU to study, due to an uneven implementation of the relevant EU legislation. The first report on how Member States have implemented EU rules on the entry and residence of students, pupils, unremunerated trainees and volunteers from third countries suggests that the use of these forms of temporary migration could be improved further.

For example, there are still differences between member states when it comes to application deadlines for students, and the possibility of transferring from one member state to another.

"Student mobility benefits global economic development by promoting the circulation of knowledge and ideas. The Commission will continue its efforts to create an effective legislative framework allowing third-country nationals to acquire skills and knowledge through training in Europe," commented Commissioner Cecilia Malmström.

In light of these results, the Commission intends to propose amendments to the relevant EU directive next year. More information can be found in the report pdf - 53 KB [53 KB] and in the press release.