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European Commission experts to assess Danish border measures

13 July 2011

Today, the European Commissioner for Home Affairs, Cecilia Malmström, announced the visit of European Commission experts to Denmark on 14 and 15 July. This assessment mission is part of the Commission's dialogue with the Danish authorities on the implementation of measures aimed at reinforcing internal controls at the Danish borders.

"The Commission has been in close touch with the Danish authorities during the past weeks to ensure that its plans would not endanger free movement and would fully respect EU legislation. I welcome the Danish authorities’ clear commitment to act in line with the EU rules, including the Schengen agreement. They are engaged in a constructive dialogue with the Commission. The Commission is currently assessing all the information submitted by Denmark concerning their plans to reinforce customs controls at the borders. The final decision on whether the Danish rules are in line with EU law on free movement of goods, services and persons will depend also on how they are put in practice. This is why, in agreement with the Danish authorities, the Commission is sending experts to Denmark tomorrow to asses how the measures have been implemented. The full respect of EU rules – giving EU citizens and businesses the right to move freely – will be ensured through continued monitoring and dialogue with Denmark", said Cecilia Malmström.

Read the statement in full.