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Towards a common European asylum policy

1 June 2011

"To agree on a genuine common European immigration and asylum policy is one of my top priorities during this mandate as Commissioner for Home Affairs", said Cecilia Malmström today when she presented two revised asylum directives during a press conference in Brussels – the Asylum Procedures Directive and the Reception Conditions Directive.

The establishment of a Common European Asylum System has been work in progress for more than ten years. At the same time, the chance of obtaining asylum can vary from 75 percent in one country to less than one percent in another. Cecilia Malmström underlined that this is not acceptable: "Our asylum system should not be a lottery", she said.

The directives presented today have been revised with the aim of finding an agreement between Member States and thereby injecting new energy in the negotiations. Next year, in 2012, Member States should have agreed on a common asylum and migration policy for the EU. Several difficult parts remain to agree on. Asylum and migration will now also be discussed amongst heads of state and government during the European Summit in Brussels on 24 June.
"I hope that this will give further political energy to the negotiations", said Cecilia Malmström.

Read the press release and the memo about today's revised proposals, and watch today's press conference. The revised directives can be found on the website of the DG for Home Affairs shortly.