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Commission decisions on migration and visa issues

24 May 2011

EU Commissioner for Home Affairs Cecilia Malmström presented today three documents in the field of asylum and migration: a proposal to amend the EU regulation on visas; a Communication on a dialogue for migration, mobility and security with the Southern Mediterranean countries; and the Annual Report on Immigration and Asylum for 2010.

"Some of my most beautiful experiences so far as Commissioner is engaging with those people who do no longer have to queue up in humiliating bureaucracies for a visa, but who can go to Europe and visit friends and relatives without a visa. This is a true achievement by the EU, a significant development and a clear demonstration of what we can achieve through sustained and joint efforts and through cooperation with third countries", said Cecilia Malmström during today's press conference where she explained the content of the proposals.

The Commission's proposal to amend the current visa code by introducing a safeguard clause is to be used only as a last resort, in exceptional and well-defined circumstances in case the visa rules are being abused. Cecilia Malmström stated during the press conference that she hopes this clause will never be used, but also stressed that it is needed in order to ensure the integrity of EU visa policy, and to prepare the ground for further visa free regimes in the future.

Read the press release and the memo on the proposal for amended visa regulations. Read also the memo on the other two migration-related issues decided on by the Commission today – the annual asylum and migration report and the communication on dialogues on migration, mobility and security with the countries of North Africa. You can also watch today's press conference in full.

Read the Commission's proposal for amending the visa regulations, the Annual Report on Immigration and Asylum, and the Communication on Dialogues with the Southern Mediterranean countries in full on the website of the Directorate-General for Home Affairs.