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A day of remembrance of victims of terrorism

11 March 2011

Seven years ago today, 191 people were killed and at least 1800 injured in a terrorist attack on a train in the morning rush in Madrid. The European Union has devoted 11th March to remembering all victims of terrorist attacks in Europe and elsewhere in the world.

"There are sadly enough many people who have lost family and friends as victims of terrorism, and I want to express all my sympathy and solidarity to them. It is very emotional to talk to these people who have lost a beloved daughter, brother, or father in meaningless terror attacks. We must continue our work for their sake, and their experiences are also important in our continued fight against terrorism in Europe", says EU Commissioner Cecilia Malmström.

As EU Commissioner for Home Affairs one of the main issues on the agenda is to increase security for the citizens of the EU. The Commission provides economic assistance to different networks and organisations working for peace and reconciliation. Since Cecilia Malmström took up her post a little more than a year ago, she has proposed common EU rules against home-made explosives and common rules on the use of air passenger data to fight terrorism and serious crime. The EU has made an agreement with the United States on tracking of terrorist financing data, and work is now ongoing on a proposal to cut off terrorists' assets as well as different measures to increase transport security in Europe.

"I am now working on creating a network where people and organisations who work against violent radicalisation can meet and exchange views. Radicalisation is a local problem that must be dealt with locally, but we can help from an EU level to provide support and money to meet and fight terrorist propaganda and violent ideologies locally in Member States", says Cecilia Malmström.

Read the joint statement from Cecilia Malmström and Vice President Viviane Reding today, and read the speech that Cecilia Malmström delivered today at a conference in Brussels.