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Malmström speaks at European Police Congress

16 February 2011

Today Commissioner Malmström is on an official visit to Berlin. She is attending the 14th European Police Congress where key representatives of law enforcement authorities from different Members States get an opportunity to meet, interact and exchange ideas.

In her speech at the Police Congress, Commissioner Malmström stressed the importance of cooperation between law enforcement authorities in order to meet the cross-border security challenges of today. In particular she focused on the fundamental T's, the tools, training and trust law enforcement authorities need in order to cooperate efficiently. The 'Swedish initiative' and the Prüm Decision are for instance valuable tools established to facilitate information exchange.

The Commissioner plans to develop a European Training Scheme for law enforcement authorities in order to ensure a common understanding of European law enforcement principles and practices, to strengthen operational skills and help authorities share case-specific know-how. Last but not least, she stressed that law enforcement authorities need to trust the tools at their disposal as well as trust each other in order to cooperate efficiently.

Commissioner Malmström concluded:
"I hope that by improving the functioning of EU information sharing tools and by stepping up EU training of law enforcement officials trust will also grow. With trust as a basis and working together, I do think that the EU can meet the security challenges of today."

Read Cecilia Malmström's speech in full.