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Commission ready to assist Italy and Tunisia

15 February 2011

During the weekend the Italian island of Lampedusa faced increased pressure of migratory flows following the turbulent situation in Tunisia. Approximately 5 500 Tunisian migrants are reported to have reached the Italian shores in the last couple of days.

The Commission together with Frontex are investigating closely what can be done in the short and medium term, not only to assist Italy with the pressure of the migratory flows it is facing, but also to assist Tunisia and promote its transition to democracy.

During today's plenary in Strasbourg, Commissioner Malmström briefed the European Parliament on the situation and outlined what the EU can do to help. A detailed account of the available measures to assist both Italy and Tunisia can be found in Cecilia Malmström's speech.

In particular the Commissioner stressed that the approach should be based on solidarity. She also stressed the need to pay specific attention to vulnerable categories of people or people in need of international protection:
"In the particular context of migration flows, we need a combination of effective border management and a strategy for supporting democratic and economic transitions", said Cecilia Malmström.