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Discussions on Schengen, corruption, and organised crime

11 February 2011

Two full days in Romania and Bulgaria have come to an end. The visits have been planned since October, as part of Commissioner Malmström's ambition to visit all Member States to talk about common issues within her portfolio. However, much of the discussions focused on the two countries' possible accession to the Schengen area.

"In Bucharest I met with Ministers for Justice and the Interior, Minister for Foreign Affairs and the Prime Minister. We spoke about Schengen, but also about fighting corruption and human trafficking, and about visa issues, the internal security strategy, asylum issues, and the development in Moldova. I also met with NGOs who work with issues regarding minorities, corruption, and democracy. We had valuable discussions that I bring into my continued work on these issues", said Cecilia Malmström after having returned to Brussels.

In Bulgaria Cecilia Malmström visited the Bulgarian border control at the Turkish border, and discussed organised crime with Ministers, parliamentarians, and NGOs.