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Busy days in Moldova

25 January 2011

Meeting Prime Minister Vlad Filat, presenting an EU Action Plan on visa liberalisation with Moldova, and visiting a shelter for victims of human trafficking were some of the points on the agenda for EU Commissioner Cecilia Malmström these last days, during her visit to Moldova.

During the last years, Moldova and other countries of the EU Eastern Partnership have come a long way as regards visa liberalisation reforms. Yesterday, Cecilia Malmström presented an Action Plan for the next phase of the dialogue on visa liberalisation with Moldova.

"It is a long list of necessary reforms, such as biometric passports, fighting corruption and organised crime, respect for fundamental rights, border control, and the rule of law. These are difficult but important reforms", said Cecilia Malmström.

This morning, she delivered a speech at the conference "The Eastern Partners contribution to the Stockholm Programme: Synergies to improve mobility and strengthen security", where she outlined the progress so far and the next steps forward in EU Home Affairs cooperation with Moldova and other Eastern partners.

"Visa liberalisation, migration, mobility, regional cooperation, protecting fundamental rights, and fighting corruption, cross-border and organised crime are all vital for continuing to make our cooperation fruitful in the future", said Cecilia Malmström in her speech.

Read more about the Action Plan on visa liberalisation with Moldova, and read Cecilia Malmström's speech.