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One step forward in the fight against trafficking

14 December 2010

The European Parliament voted this afternoon in favour of the proposal for a Directive on trafficking in human beings, which the Commission put forward last spring. At the same time, the Commission appointed the new Anti-Trafficking Coordinator, who will get a central role in the coordination of EU policies within this field. "An important day for the EU's fight against this modern day slavery", emphasises the responsible EU Commissioner Cecilia Malmström.

Myria Vassiliadou is the name of the new Coordinator. She is from Cyprus and is currently Secretary General for the European Women's Lobby, EWL. Her job will be to improve cooperation between all relevant actors in order to develop EU policies in the fight against trafficking in human beings.

The fact that the European Parliament has now voted in favour of the Commission's Directive proposal is one step closer to tougher legislation on trafficking in Member States.

"Today's political agreement in the Parliament is most welcome. This shows a broad ambition within the EU that we want to step up our efforts to build a comprehensive anti-trafficking policy", said Cecilia Malmström.

Read more in the press release.