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Security and migration discussions in London

17 September 2010

Asylum, security, and the EU's work against organised crime and terrorism was on the agenda when EU Commissioner Cecilia Malmström today and yesterday visited London. She had meetings with the ministers in charge and visited the border control at Heathrow airport.

Yesterday evening, Cecilia Malmström held a speech at a dinner organised by the Centre for European Reform. She spoke about her priorities for the years to come. One of which is the Internal Security Strategy that will be presented this Autumn, with suggestions for common actions on common challenges such as cross-border organised crime and terrorism.

Asylum and migration issues are also on the agenda: "Europe should not let economic recession decrease its openness to the outside world, nor let it nurture racism and xenophobia", said Cecilia Malmström in her speech.

Together with Member States and the European Parliament, she is now working on moving forward in the negotiations on the EU asylum package.

The last stop during the London visit was Heathrow airport, where Cecilia Malmström met with the border control to see how they work with so called e-borders. In other words, the work they do to stop criminals and potential terrorists by using passenger data (Passenger Name Records).

"The European Council has asked the Commission to work on a suggestion for an EU PNR - something that we are now looking at. In that light, it is of course interesting to see how the British work", said Cecilia Malmström.