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Malmström: "There is no corruption-free zone in Europe"

15 September 2010

"There is solid evidence that effective action at EU level is needed", said EU Commissioner for Home Affairs Cecilia Malmström in the European Parliament today, where she participated in a public hearing on the EU's anti-corruption policy.

In a recent study on corruption, the European Commission concludes that corruption is on the rise, or at best stagnating, in the EU as a whole. In her speech in the Parliament today, Cecilia Malmström gave an overview of the situation in the EU today, and what is needed in order to tackle corruption in the EU in the years to come.

"At present, the EU does not have a genuine common policy against corruption. The EU Member States have developed different forms of anti-corruption tools and do not engage in the fight against corruption to quite the same extent", said Cecilia Malmström. "Some of the national anti-corruption policies work better than others, but Member States are not necessarily informed about each other's successes and failures. There is clearly room for more peer learning and exchange of best practices."

The Commission is working on a proposal for how to better fight corruption within the EU. The proposal will be presented next year.

"Ultimately, we are responding to European citizens' expectations. We are acting for the benefit of a more honest, a more transparent and a more prosperous Europe", said Cecilia Malmström.

Read Cecilia Malmström's speech in full.