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"Important to move forward in asylum discussions"

15 July 2010

Migration and Interior Ministers from EU Member States gather in Brussels today for an informal council meeting. EU Commissioner Cecilia Malmström took part in the discussions this morning on a future asylum system for the EU.

The Belgian EU Presidency, having asylum and migration as one of its priorities, arranges its first informal Justice and Home Affairs council meeting in Brussels today and tomorrow. Today, the Ministers for Migration and the Interior meet, and tomorrow is the meeting of the EU's Ministers for Justice. Thursday morning was spent discussing the future EU asylum system.

"How to design the common asylum system is complicated, and there are large differences in opinion between Member States on how it should be structured. We had the opportunity today to touch base and identify the difficulties we face as well as the areas where we agree and can move forward. It is important that we continue to work towards establishing a common asylum system by 2012, as previously agreed by Member States ", said Cecilia Malmström.

The future common EU asylum system will be one of the key priorities for Cecilia Malmström this fall.

Crime prevention in the EU was the topic for discussion during the afternoon. Read more on the informal council meeting on the website of the Belgian EU Presidency.