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Parliament in favour of agreement on fight against terrorism

8 July 2010

"I am very happy about the large consensus that has become established between the main political groups of the European Parliament in favour of the Terrorist Finance Tracking Programme agreement negotiated between the European Commission and the United States", said Home Affairs Commissioner Cecilia Malmström in Strasbourg today, where the European Parliament voted in favour of the so called TFTP agreement.

The TFTP agreement has been high on Cecilia Malmström's agenda ever since she took office on 10 February. That was the same day as the Parliament voted no to a previous version of the text, arguing that it did not sufficiently protect the privacy of EU citizens.

"That very same day I made a clear commitment to the European Parliament and to the EU citizens to find a solution to this difficult situation. I kept the commitment and I delivered on it. Today's vote shows the progress made thanks to the efforts of all the people involved in the negotiations both on the EU and the US side", said Cecilia Malmström.

The European Parliament voted by 484 in favour and 109 against, while 12 refrained from voting. The agreement will enter into force on 1 August 2010.

Read more in Cecilia Malmström's statement and see the press conference. See also the TFTP agreement in full as well as an overview of what has changed pdf - 20 KB [20 KB] Deutsch (de) français (fr) in the newly adopted agreement compared to the one that was rejected by the Parliament in February.