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"Europe needs immigration to survive"

17 June 2010

At the EU Summit in Brussels today, EU heads of state and government adopted the so called EU2020 Strategy for jobs and growth, which outlines how the EU can become more competitive in the future. EU Commissioner for Home Affairs Cecilia Malmström welcomes the adoption and underlines that immigration is one of the key issues to focus on in order to secure the future of the EU.

"In order for the EU to be able to maintain and strengthen its competitiveness, we need to work on many fronts. One of them, which will also be one of my main priorities in the years to come, is to ensure Europe's growth through immigration. With an aging and decreasing population, Europe needs labour immigration to be able to meet the demographic challenges of the future. In other words, Europe needs immigration to survive. Therefore, we need to find more legal ways to the EU", says Cecilia Malmström.

Read more on the EU2020 Strategy.